
Research in the Xue Lab

Research in the Xue lab is focused on understanding conserved mechanisms of DNA replication and repair using methods of biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, and structural biology. In particular, Xue lab is interested in understanding DNA helicase-mediated control of replication fork regression and DNA recombination.

Current research in the Xue group is aimed at investigating how DNA/RNA motor proteins enable precise DNA repair to avoid cell transformation and tumorigenesis. We have obtained important preliminary data on two human helicases and established a strong foundation for mechanistic studies in our laboratory. Our research projects include: (1) Roles of nucleic acid motor protein ZGRF1 in chromosome damage repair and disease avoidance (2) Roles of the human UAP56 helicase in co-transcriptional R-loop resolution and genome maintenance (3) Function of protein sumoylation in DNA damage repair. All lines of studies have great potential for the development of novel strategies to treat human diseases that stem from defects or deregulation in DNA repair, such as Fanconi anemia, neurodegeneration diseases, and familial breast and ovarian cancers.